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All contributions are welcome! If you find a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue or submit a pull request. There’s different ways to contribute to the project:

1. Report Issues

Issues to Capsule help improve the project in multiple ways including the following:

  • Report potential bugs
  • Request a feature
  • Improve documentation

2. Engagement

Engage with the community on Slack and help new users with questions or issues they may have. Spread the word about Capsule and help us grow the community. Add yourself to the Capsule adopters

3. Submit changes

Submit technical changes via pull requests. New contributors may easily view all open issues labeled as good first issues allowing you to get started in an approachable manner. If you already have experience with the project, you may also want to look at the help wanted issues.

Once you wish to get started contributing to the code base, please refer to our development guidelines and read the per repository for a how-to. We accept pull requests from forks only.

Before creating a pull request, please ensure that your changes are tested and that the documentation is updated accordingly.

1 - Guidelines

Guidelines for submitting changes to the Capsule project

The following guidelines outline the semantics and processes which apply to technical contributions to the project.

Supported Versions

Versions follow Semantic Versioning terminology and are expressed as x.y.z:

  • where x is the major version
  • y is the minor version
  • and z is the patch version

Security fixes, may be backported to the three most recent minor releases, depending on severity and feasibility.

Prereleases are marked as -rc.x (release candidate) and may refere to any type of version bump.

Pull Requests

The pull request title is checked according to the described semantics (pull requests don’t require a scope). However pull requests are currently not used to generate the changelog. Check if your pull requests body meets the following criteria:

If your pull request in a draft state and not ready yet for review, you can prefix the title with [WIP]. This will indicate that work is still ongoing:

[WIP] feat(controller): new cool feature

Create a Pull Request

Head over to the project repository on GitHub and click the “Fork” button. With the forked copy, you can try new ideas and implement changes to the project.

  1. Clone the repository to your device:

Get the link of your forked repository, paste it in your device terminal and clone it using the command.

git clone https://hostname/YOUR-USERNAME/YOUR-REPOSITORY
  1. Create a branch:

Create a new brach and navigate to the branch using this command.

git checkout -b <new-branch>
  1. Stage, Commit, and Push changes:

Now that we have implemented the required changes, use the command below to stage the changes and commit them.

git add .
git commit -s -m "Commit message"

Go ahead and push your changes to GitHub using this command.

git push


The commit message is checked according to the described semantics. Commits are used to generate the changelog and their author will be referenced in the changelog.

Reorganising commits

To reorganise your commits, do the following (or use your way of doing it):

  1. Pull upstream changes
git remote add upstream
git pull upstream main
  1. Pick the current upstream HEAD (the commit is marked with (remote/main, main))
git log
commit 10bbf39ac1ac3ad4f8485422e54faa9aadf03315 (remote/main, main)
Author: Oliver Bähler <>
Date:   Mon Oct 23 10:24:44 2023 +0200

    docs(repo): add sbom reference

    Signed-off-by: Oliver Bähler <>
  1. Soft reset to the commit of the upstream HEAD
git reset --soft 10bbf39ac1ac3ad4f8485422e54faa9aadf03315
  1. Remove staged files (if any)
git restore --staged .
  1. Add files manually and create new commits, until all files are included
git add charts/capsule/
git commit -s -m "feat(chart): add nodeselector value"

  1. Force push the changes to your fork
git push origin main -f


Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) Sign off For contributors to certify that they wrote or otherwise have the right to submit the code they are contributing to the project, we are requiring everyone to acknowledge this by signing their work which indicates you agree to the DCO found here.

To sign your work, just add a line like this at the end of your commit message:

Signed-off-by: Random J Developer This can easily be done with the -s command line option to append this automatically to your commit message.

git commit -s -m 'This is my commit message'


All commits must be signed with a GPG key.


The semantics should indicate the change and it’s impact. The general format for commit messages and pull requests is the following:

feat(ui): add `button` component
^    ^    ^
|    |    |__ Subject
|    |_______ Scope
|____________ Type

The commits are checked on pull-request. If the commit message does not follow the format, the workflow will fail. See the Types for the supported types. The scope is not required but helps to provide more context for your changes. Try to use a scope if possible.


The following types are allowed for commits and pull requests:

  • chore: housekeeping changes, no production code change
  • ci: changes to buillding process/workflows
  • docs: changes to documentation
  • feat: new features
  • fix: bug fixes
  • test: test related changes
  • sec: security related changes

2 - Adoption

Add your project/company to the list of adopters

Have your tried Capsule or are you using it in your project or company? Please consider adding your project/company to the list of adopters. This helps the Capsule community understand who is using Capsule and how it is being used.

Adding yourself

In the adopters.yaml file you can add yourself as an adopter of the project. You just need to add an entry for your company and upon merging it will automatically be added to our website. To add your organization follow these steps:

  1. Fork the projectcapsule/website project to your personal space.

  2. Clone it locally with git clone<YOUR-GH-USERNAME>/website.git.

  3. We prefer using the logo from an upstream resource instead of collecting logos. If you don’t have a logo to provide you will get a default logo.

  4. Open data/adopters.yaml file and add your organization to the list. The file is in the following format:

      # Company/Project Name
    - name: "Adopter Name"
      # Link for name
      # Logo Source

    You can just add to the end of the file, we already sort alphabetically by name of organization.

  5. Save the file, then do git add -A and commit using git commit -s -m "Add MY-ORG to adopters" See our contribution guidelines.

  6. Push the commit with git push origin main.

  7. Open a Pull Request to capsule/website and a preview build will turn up.

Thanks a lot for being part of our community - we very much appreciate it!